Blick in die Sporthalle, eine gruppe Studierender wird verschwommen in Bewegung dargestellt


Zur Übersicht
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Hochschule Fulda
Yoga - Yin Yoga*
verantwortlich: Anita Schleicher
* this class is in english; if neccessary with german translation
This class is about coming home to your body.
In YinYoga we use above all streching positions and stay for a longer period of time (up to 5 min) to get deep into the myofascial structures of the body. A practice that will help you increase your flexibility and as well let you unwind, rest and restore. Finishing the class with a guided meditation will allow you to return back to yourself, connect body, mind and soul and let you be more calm and balanced.
Accessible for all levels.

Course leader/ photo: Lauren Garwood


Please wear comfortable clothes an bring your own Yoga mat (if available) and a blanket for the relaxation.


Please note:

This course will be held in english with german translantions when necessary.

With the Button "Zeitraum" you can see every single course date and - in case - failures.
If you klick at the name of the course leader, you can - in most cases - get mail-contact.



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411216Mi15:45-16:4544.00619.02.-02.04.Lauren Marie Garwood
28/ 28/ 70/ 28 €
28 EUR
für Studierende

28 EUR
für MitarbeiterInnen

70 EUR
für Externe

28 EUR
für HSP- und FiduS-ÜbungsleiterInnen der Hochschule FD