Yoga - Morning flow*
verantwortlich: Anita Schleicher
* Dieses Angebot findet auf Englisch statt; bei Bedarf mit deutschen Übersetzungen.

This Wednesday Morning Flow is the best way to get out of bed and move your body! This is a wholesome class that will guide you through your whole body through both strengthening and stretching asanas. This class is all about
releasing, re-vitalizing, and exploring our bodies through movement in order to feel GREAT! Suitable for all levels.


Kursleitung/ Foto: Lauren Garwood

Please wear comfortable clothes an bring your own Yoga mat (if available) and a blanket for the relaxation (it might be cool in the sports hall).


Please note:

This course will be held in english with german translantions when necessary.

With the Button "Zeitraum" you can see every single course date and - in case - failures.
If you klick at the name of the course leader, you can - in most cases - get mail-contact.

Neu im Hochschulsport: unsere kostenfreie Sportpartner*innenbörse

411215Mi08:30-09:30Sporthalle Campus, Geb. 54 - Kleinfeld24.04.-10.07.Lauren Marie Garwood
40/ 40/ 100/ 40 €
40 EUR
für Studierende

40 EUR
für MitarbeiterInnen

100 EUR
für Externe

40 EUR
für HSP- und FiduS-ÜbungsleiterInnen der Hochschule FD